Monday, October 1, 2012

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s to the standard, of course, does not reflect the number of each of them to eat well but this official barns to standard 'can as a non-Dingnan population in order to maintain the minimum rations standards necessary for survival. pursuant to which, in general, can be calculated that an ordinary peasant family food necessary to maintain family life in the Han Dynasty monthly consumption and annual consumption of different ages. following an interview a few examples of different family structures: parents, wife and five home type, if there are two big men, two women, a so men, the consumption of food month (2 × 3) + (2 × 2.16) +2.16 = 12.48 stone, the annual consumption of 149.76 Stone: If you have three big men,basketball shoes girls, two women, their food monthly consumption (3 x 3) + (2 x 2.16) = 13.32 stone 'annual consumption amount of 159.84 stone. couple sub-type of a family of four, if there are two big men, two women, the consumption of food month (2 x 3) + (2 x 2.16); 10.32 the stone 'annual consumption 123.84 Stone; if there is a large male, two female, a so male,throwback jerseys, their food monthly consumption of 3 + (2 x 2.16) +2.16:9.48 stone 'annual consumption of 13.76 stone.
In addition to food, salt is also a people to survive
?Most necessary for subsistence. The Han government on the frontier Licu their families supply of salt, basically three liters per month per person (the 'million two hundred eighty-one' month 'salt of three hundred eighty Gok' (, a family of four monthly need salt to 12 liters, throughout the year] 44 liters:

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