Thursday, March 28, 2013

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How to do? "Long Tian just heard Ryuichi finally say the word they want, that happy ah, but now Ryuichi immediately a military, a sudden really do not know how to answer. But he did not want to show weakness, immediately to the sentence rhetorical question: "If you can not deal with him, you say how do you how to do this always okay?" "Hey Hey" Long a words sneer two, I thought, "Oh, you the bastard even told I strong words in the end it? Well ... I'd like to see your kid is really kind, or false kind? your kid that the two erupted, but also lied to you I fragmentation? slang words, 知子莫若父. "expect here, Long said:" Well ... today we father and son to mouth with a written warrant, as long as you deal with that Lee ten Jane, after this Qinglong will be on you masters,cheap oakley sunglasses; if you if the deal does not he, then, Qinglong will henceforth no longer do not you catch up. how to? fair, right? "" that if after the Lee ten Jane again not appeared in it? "Dragon Tian now a bit now in for it." If that Li Shizhong Jane henceforth no longer appear, you win. "Long said." Good! whiz. " ; dragon in the field to finish the sentence,replica oakley sunglasses, it does not Ryuichi say anything, turned and fled also like to go. Ryuichi seeing this'm not angry, he was very clear, but Dragon Tian own a stepped it does not hinder, one curse just scoff, you brats! your small home Chelsea would like a thief in the bucket home? "Ryuichi Dragon, listen is heard in the field, but did not dare not Haizui, for fear of their own I then told to go back bite Fan, now he can only be in the heart secretly praying, "Hopefully, Li Shizhong Jennifer guy has under hell, never come back!" Long undreamed of in the field, this prayer really let him on the Street Mongolia, Li Shizhong, Jane, indeed the hell. course, Long Tian prayer does not exist any relationship is often said that the 18 layers of hell In fact, it is not like people think of as layers down until the 18th floor, but in accordance with the time of detention and the application of the penalty by, especially in the time on top of that is quite different. we get the first layer pull the tongue Hell instance where the person was alive, sow dissension, slander, evil, slick, making phone calls relative to argue, tell a lie a lie. posthumously into the hell of a pull tongue the kid break apart and come to the mouth, with iron pliers tongue, life and unplug, non look unplug, but stretched, pulled a little bit slow to pull down which are subject to the penalty of sin ghost. sentence? here time world 3750 years for the day, the 30th of January, in December for the year, the crime of ghosts to this prison, serving a million years (ie the earth 135 million years). sentenced as sin ghost into the second layer of scissors hell, specific penalties for first single sentence, it would be subject to in the world 7500 1 sin ghost this prison serving two million years (the earth 27 billion years). subsequent prison sentence, a prison sentence before increments as the base quadrupled. they are calculated, to the eighteenth floor of hell sentence, has been the equivalent the earth 2.3 multiplied by 10 the power of 25 years. sins the ghost fall into which, suffering unspeakable This sentence has been estimated to exceed the people's imagination