Tuesday, January 8, 2013

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Biao troops killed precisely of directors really bodyguard elite - "solutions tired of all this solution is tired of all this in the name of the Three Kingdoms, Wu the main Sun Quan's elite troops, whichever is mainly on solutions tired of Italy, Dong real singles in the eastern Zhejiang military elite dared war scholar, weekdays thick satisfy it to the, times in often military, Bing Jia is also particularly sharp against the enemy with its board, the end is very powerful. Zhao lead the bow to see situation in mutation, the heart is also some confusion, and thought to himself: "Does it mean that today the town Navy will have to defeat here?" He made it clear that the money the Miao 分兵 two, one in Hangzhou resist Huainan soldiers south, one in the Guquan Wu the hands of the siege of more states, each other horns elite misguide in more chow, if here suffered a crushing defeat, the money to stay in Hangzhou Mouyi Jun inevitable the inevitable Dumu South stays a time dozens idea across in their own minds, defection kill Guquan Wu invest HYPERTENSION, or take advantage of the situation has not yet defeated their own to lead the troops returned to Minnesota, mutiny to seize the provincial governor of the place is hesitation, suddenly hear Guquan Wu shouted: "Takeo are his soldiers listen up,breast cancer basketball shoes, collision formation, non-compliance with military orders, regardless of the enemy, should be shot. "its teeth soldiers rushed loudly will pass Gu Quanwu military orders down, just anxious ownerless his soldiers heard the line battalion command system, calm down his soldiers in the front row of the hands of spear directly at the front, the back of his soldiers to spear on the shoulders of the front of his soldiers, Takeo are sounding of immediately raised the side spears composed of the jungle. phalanx gaps between the teams of archers. Zhang full crossbow, arrows pointing in front of the whole army lifted the momentum. Zhao cited bow see Gu Quanwu the soldiers potential, heart immediately made the decision under he turned went to Gu Quanwu front: "taking care of both systems, HYPERTENSION usurped number plotters and dare to resist the king division, the weekend eight hundred was the monthly Army men, fairly lean and please let me lead the troops to attack, down to its elan." Gu Quanwu see to Zhao cited bow out Qingzhan felt a very happy, after all, is now the town of the Navy can not distinguish between the enemy and ourselves, battlefield situation nebulous, the military are only willing to pack his soldiers, can not spare the army to counterattack that directors really brave and abnormal, if he leader out of the city the situation is not good, after all these days to fight the system the siege equipment have all been dragged sounding of the band that is, after the impact shattered supervise operations line Siege Army Zhedong frustrated up to be returned to the city is the next battles; For the town of Navy defeated defend their castles, presumably will not be wiped out, those Siege will certainly be all of them burned, and then going further afield felling timber, and then spend a lot of time to fight the system, I'm afraid late has changed under Zhao cited bow volunteered Guquan Wu hurry a few loud incentives and let him lead the soldiers to attack of this Part, promoted Wishing saying a lot, Gu Quanwu Zhao's ambition to lead the bow some heard these words anyway, to say the benefits without costs, is naturally the more the better. Zhao cited bow briskly back to the troops and horses before the coming into operation of this Part, He always Xingaoqiao, I did not intend to Minnesota San Qianbing all sent to him out of the city of eastern Zhejiang Army soldiers, but six or seven hundred people, felt that eight hundred but month military will be enough, and secondly his attack, but also frustrated the enemy's power and prestige, as long as you get through the moment effort, Zhenhai army to pack the middle who porters clear that their task will be completed, the rest of the army in Minnesota not own headquarters, command from the